December 29, 2014

Native Guy Book review of: Political Craps---Authored by Tom Ufert

Tom Ufert & Book Courtesy Tom Ufert

In the book Political Craps by Tom Ufert, there are many things which make a person want to become more informed and involved, as is brought out throughout the book. So what and why should you take time to find and add this to your reading list this year? Several reasons, such as understanding why the people of America at such a time in history must hold those elected accountable, and moving into the next Presidential election in a few years, Americans must be stirred to action and Political Craps can do just that. How?
Tom Ufert is an inspirational voice in our troubled times.” He received his bachelor of arts in political science and history as a scholarship recipient from Centenary College of Louisiana. Tom is a former Rotary International graduate Fellow who attended Australian National University in Canberra, ACT, specializing in East Asian political affairs and was a White House Fellow nominee.  He is a former Lyndon Baines Johnson Congressional Intern and constituency aid for two former United States members of Congress.   His past services for 11 political campaigns on both sides of the aisle were highly valued by former Louisiana Governor Charles “Buddy” Roemer, Henson Moore the former assistant chief of staff to U.S. Vice President George H.W. Bush, and the recently retired U.S. Trade Ambassador, Ron Kirk.  (Biography Courtesy Tom Ufert)
During my reading of this very well thought out book, there were very revealing information which can inspire you and many Americans today as to why being involved is not just a right, but a duty to stay informed as well be involved with the people whom are elected to serve and represent the people. I am truly impressed by the research as well the well thought out detail to involve from one who not only cares for the country, but as well doing his part in getting each and every fellow American involved!
So why take the time and read Political Craps? A few taglines will help get you inspired to read it today:
  • It is every citizen’s right and responsibility to demand a new class of political leaders that care more about our jobs and livelihood than their own. 
  • While reading Political C.R.A.P.S. the reader should keep two primary thoughts in mind.  First, are you as informed and educated as you should be to make a wise decision with your vote that will directly impact every aspect of your life?  Second, if you’re not, then ask why! 
  • America needs real leaders who are prepared to make the tough decisions that are essential to the nation’s wellbeing without regard for their own political fortunes
(Taglines Courtesy of Political Craps by Tom Ufert)

As any person who is new to politics or the understanding of how the government itself works, what is written by Author Tom Ufert has just that person in mind. If you are anything like me, I follow politics a little, but what has been written and how it was thoughtfully researched to help the reader understand better how the inner workings of government function. Very insightful information, as well some very interesting history to the political mudslinging which allowed the reader to understand the background of how and why the title Political Craps is aptly named. So how do you find out more? By hitting the links provided-----
Courtesy Tom Ufert
                       to find the book Political Craps by Tom Ufert

E. Russell Kaulaity- Independent Blogger and senior working on a Bachelor’s of science in Business Administration at National American University, also Native American of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma, All feedback is welcome and encouraged. Please see the about us and leave your comments 

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