February 24, 2015

Make your Resume Stand out! How?

It came to my attention recently looking over the Facebook world, that some of my friends were asking for help in what to put on a resume. Some of the answers were, keep it short and sweet, some said make it detailed, but really is there a correct way to make a resume? In my studies in the field of Business Administration, I have found that career class which I took was very beneficial, as it helped me understand what is needed when it comes to making a resume that works. One thing to understand, there are many ways to make a successful resume, it is your job to find one that will help promote or market your skills to the job you want.
Some of the things I learned when making my resume, was understanding that the resume is being looked at not from what you can do, but what the employer needs to fill the job position. This is a key thing to understand. Knowing what the job is about, details, skills required, and the company itself is one of the best way to help tailor that resume to the job you want to try for. Now, this is no guarantee of hire, but this may help you understand what it takes to make that resume stand out.
How can you make the resume stand out, what is important to know about resumes? Well one, there are really four types of resumes to use, Chronological, Functional, Combination, and plain text or online resume. Briefly, the chronological resume will list skills, education experience. These are best used for candidates with recent educational or work experience relating directly to the job. Functional resumes or the skills resume organizes these skills and accomplishments into groupings which support a position objective. One thing to note, employers may not like these types as they cannot link skills to specific employers or positions previously held. A combination resume is one which basically take the chronological and functional resume. These may be used if you have had several positions similar in nature. Lastly, the scannable or plain text is a simplified resume to prevent errors when sent online.
So to summarize there are many ways to make a resume, what is important is understanding how your skill set applies to the job, and it is not what you can do, it is how the job can use your skills to fill a need, so to help here are a few do's and don'ts for the Resume, which some maybe seen from other sites of business nature, but are important as this will help you make that resume work:

  • Quantify your skills. use numbers
  • Use power word/verbs to highlight skills
  • Include honor societies within your major and your GPA if higher then 3.0
  • Add collegiate sports. This shows drive, ability to work in teams, and competitiveness
  • Tailor the resume to the job opportunity


  • Add information about why your applying for the job
  • use a goofy personal email address
  • Provide personal information including marital status, age, race, religion, health, height, weight, family and so on
  • Don't go over two pages unless you are an executive or you know your profession calls for this.
  • Put your high school information on your resume if you have college experience

This may not get you that job, but it will help you get on the right track and help you get that important information on your resume!!  Happy Hunting!!

1 comment:

  1. I used to have one resume and just fire it out every time I saw a new opportunity, until I started recruiting people myself. All the resumes were the same! I learnt to go through any job specification I applied for, highlight the key skills, then make sure these were reflected in my resume too. Now I get interviews!

    Celine Goodson @ RMS Recruitment
